List of East Asian leaders in the Japanese sphere of influence (1931–1945)

Today we come across a topic that has sparked growing interest in recent weeks: List of East Asian leaders in the Japanese sphere of influence (1931–1945). This person/topic/date has captured the public's attention and generated intense debate in society. That is why in this article we aim to shed light on the fundamental aspects related to List of East Asian leaders in the Japanese sphere of influence (1931–1945), offering a detailed analysis of its implications and consequences. Along these lines, we will explore the different angles from which List of East Asian leaders in the Japanese sphere of influence (1931–1945) can be approached, with the aim of providing a complete and objective view on this matter. Without a doubt, this is a highly relevant topic that deserves to be addressed with depth and rigor, and that is precisely what we intend to achieve in the following lines.

This is a list of some Asian leaders and politicians, with a commitment to the Japanese cause, in the Yen Block or Greater Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere Pan-Asian economic associations previous to and during the Pacific War period, between 1931–1945.

Empire of Manchukuo

Jewish Far East Community in Manchukuo


White Russians Community in Manchukuo

Provisional Government of the Republic of China (North China Political Council), Reformed Government of the Republic of China and the Wang Jingwei regime

  • President Wang Kemin (Head of State of the Provisional Government, later Chairman of the North China Political Council and Minister of Internal Affairs for the Wang Jingwei regime)
  • President Liang Hongzhi (Head of State of the Reformed Government, later Governor of Jiangsu Province and Chairman of the Legislative Yuan for the Wang Jingwei regime)
  • President Wang Jingwei (First Head of State of the Wang Jingwei regime)
  • President Chen Gongbo (Second Head of State of the Wang Jingwei regime, previously the Mayor of Shanghai)



Second Philippine Republic

Dutch East Indies-Indonesia

French Indochina

Empire of Vietnam

Kingdom of Kampuchea (Cambodia)

  • Norodom Sihanouk (Cambodian Head of State and Head of Government; king and prime minister simultaneously)
  • Son Ngoc Thanh (Native Cambodian leader, succeeded Sihanouk as prime minister)

Kingdom of Laos


State of Burma

  • Ba Maw (local Burmese chief, and Head of State)
  • U Aung San (local Burmese supporter for certain period)
  • Bo Ne Win (native Burmese military supporter)

Arzi Hukumat-e-Azad Hind (Free India)


First East Turkestan Republic
