Time in Belgium

In the following article, we will explore Time in Belgium from a deep and detailed perspective, covering all relevant aspects related to this topic. From its history and evolution to its impact on today's society, we will analyze the different points of view and opinions of experts on the subject. Additionally, we will examine case studies and concrete examples to illustrate their importance and relevance today. With updated information and relevant data, this article seeks to provide a complete and enriching vision about Time in Belgium, with the purpose of informing and educating our readers about this topic that is so relevant today.

In Belgium the standard time is Central European Time (UTC+01:00). Belgium observes Summer Time (daylight saving time) from the last Sunday in March (02:00 CET) to the last Sunday in October (03:00 CEST). The transition dates are the same as for other European countries.

Legal basis

The current legal basis for standard time in Belgium is the law of 11 June 2018 "introducing Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) as the basis for the legal time in Belgium" (Belgian official journal, 10 September 2018). Article 2 of this law states that the legal time is UTC +60 minutes during Winter Time and UTC +120 minutes during Summer Time. The new law abolishes the previous law of 29 April 1892 unifying time in Belgium and the law of 7 February 1920 amending it.

See also


  1. ^ "Moniteur Belge - Belgisch Staatsblad". www.ejustice.just.fgov.be.